Would you like to be a Sponsor?
As a sponsor you will receive the following benefits:
- Your company on all Kent Charity Award social media activity
- Your company on all pre-publicity, including printed application forms, press releases
- Three complimentary tickets to the gala evening
- Your company’s representative to make a presentation at the gala evening
- Your company logo will be prominently promoted at the gala evening including on; programme, certificates, logo media backdrop, pop-ups and audio-visual
- Opportunity to be on the judging panel
- All sponsors will be invited to steering group meetings
- Network with amazing charities!
Please contact Sarah MacDonald to find out more about the sponsorship opportunities:
Call Sarah 07786 261934 or email info@kentcharityawards.com
Your role as a sponsor
Corporate sponsorship of these awards doesn’t have to be time-consuming and the level of involvement can be tailored to suit the availability of your named representative. All the sponsors will have equal ownership of the Awards, regardless of the level of involvement. For example, some sponsors may wish to sit on the judging panel, while others may not be able to commit to this. Others may wish to visit shortlisted finalists as part of the judging team – but all will be seen as equal partners.
The Kent Charity Awards will only have one sponsor from each business sector, ensuring you have exclusivity. These details will be discussed and agreed upon at the first sponsors’ meeting.